ATTENTION: Followers of Jesus who want to walk in love…
Discover how to abide in
God’s love and manifest
His presence and glory
Re-Write Your Mental Scripts and Change Your Very Nature
 to Align in Harmony with God's Heart
Powerfully Experiencing God & His Love
The replay for Rick Osborne's webinar: 
“Powerfully Experiencing God and His Love”
will be posted here soon!

Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for Rick Osborne’s webinar: 
“Powerfully Experiencing God and His Love”
The video above does not include the Q&A
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
Click the play button above to watch the replay for Rick Osborne’s webinar: 
“Powerfully Experiencing God and His Love”
The video above does not include the Q&A
Click Here to Download the Study Guide
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Craig Hill
Read This Before 
Going ANY Further
From the desk of Rick Osborne
Castlegar, British Columbia, Canada
God is love.

This simple statement is at the foundation of our faith and the heart of the gospel.

But for most of us, it is a struggle to live out of this reality. While we know God’s love for us is perfect, unconditional, and never changes, our personal experience of what we call love has painted a false image of God’s love and given us the heart wounds to match!

Many of our relational experiences do not rightly represent God’s love at all. They are often just a shadow of true love, sometimes rooted in self and a good measure of “What’s in it for me?”

As a result, our encounters with God’s love are filtered through broken experiences and the limitations of our unrenewed minds.
But what if you could be baptized in such an ocean of God’s love that it rewrote all your definitions, healed your heart, renewed your mind, and changed your very nature?

That is exactly what God desires to do…when you learn to live in His perfect love.

When you are rooted and grounded in God’s love, not only do you receive a revelation of God’s perfect, self-giving, unconditional, infinite, relational love, but you begin to take on His divine nature—which is LOVE.

When you experience God’s love, kindness is no longer something you strive to do…it simply becomes who you are. 

Biting your tongue when you want to argue or scream…ceases to be a struggle. You begin to see with God’s eyes and the thoughts flowing through your head and the desires of your heart align in harmony with His.

Do you...
woman splashing in feet in ocean
  • Wonder what your life would look like if “God is love” were not just a statement of faith, but a day-in-day-out experience?
  • Question what it means to abide, remain, and be “perfected in love?
  • Long to be so full of God’s love that His manifest presence overflows from your life to everyone around you?
If you want to encounter the fiery, transforming love of God, then you won't want to miss...
Transform Your Life - Part 2
Transform Your Life part 2
Key Foundations for Experiencing God and his love
14-Lesson Class with Rick Osborne
Adam and Eve lived in an atmosphere saturated with the knowledge and presence of God’s all-consuming love.

They didn’t just experience His love. They were IN His love, and His love was in them.

After the Fall, God’s love did not diminish, but mankind stepped out of fellowship with the Father’s love and into the darkness of sin.

In every generation since, man has been yearning to return to and experience the perfect love that was lost.

You were designed to experience and abide in God’s perfect love.

But what most of us call love is just an echo—a man-made counterfeit of the Love that is God’s pure nature.

That is why...
  • So many people struggle to experience God’s love
  • We wrestle to love one another
  • Strife, anger, hatred, and division run rampant in the world… and even in the Church
Love is not a feeling, emotion, or good intention. Love is a Person.

You cannot love your neighbor as yourself in your own strength. You cannot give what you do not have. God is love. He is the Source, Power, and Substance of Love. Anything else is just a shadow—fig leaves fashioned to cover our broken souls.

The good news is the story of God’s love did not end with the Fall. God desires to manifest His love to you, in you and through you. He is longing to draw you into the perfect fellowship and communion He created you for.

Before the foundation of the world, God provided a way home to His embrace. While the way is simple, the path is crowded with counterfeits and broken man-made systems to mimic true love and acceptance.
If you’ve been trying to love your neighbor as yourself and failed…

If you find loving your spouse a constant struggle…

If you battle shame, fear, or condemnation…

If you want to experience and know God’s love in a deeper way…

This class will take you on a journey back to LOVE. 

Each lesson will help you root out false beliefs and counterfeits, so you can experience absolute oneness with God and learn to abide in His love. 

Your heart will become so saturated with God’s nature, goodness, and unconditional love that you can’t help but be transformed and overflow towards all those around you. 
red hot air ballon against colourful sky
In this class,  you will..
  • Discover God’s original intent to teach you face-to-face
  • Learn to study, understand, and navigate the Bible
  • Unlock tools that will revolutionize the way you approach God’s word
  • Activate God’s word so you move from glory-to-glory transformation
  • Dislodge common lies and misconceptions people believe about who God is in the “Old Testament” vs. “New Testament”
  • Discover the key to having your prayers answered every single time
  • Go to a deeper level of intimacy and fellowship with the Father
  • ​Gain tools to reject “old-man thinking and reactions” so you operate out of God’s love and nature—all the time
  • ​Shut the door on shame, fear, and rejection
  • ​Start living from a place of trust in God’s unfailing love, unchanging character, and faithfulness to His promises
  • ​Abide in Christ and the fullness of God’s love
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Class Lessons
Overview of Transform Your Life Part 2:
Key Foundations for Experiencing God and His Love
14-Lesson class

Click the play button above to learn more about the
Transform Your Life, Part 2 class

Lesson 1: Jesus, Your Teacher and Transformer!
Jesus is the WORD made flesh. And now, He is living inside of you. Just as He opened His disciples’ minds to understand Scripture on the road to Emmaus, Jesus is opening your mind to be like His from the inside out. In this lesson, Rick draws on Scripture to show God’s original intent to teach you directly, face to face, and how that is fulfilled in the work of Jesus. You have the mind of Christ. This lesson will help you walk in it.

Preview: Lesson 1

Lesson 2: Introduction to the Bible
The Bible is the Word of God, and it is the most incredible book in existence. The keys for transforming your life, your family, and the planet are contained in it. In this lesson, you will learn how to navigate this marvelous book with simple tools that will unlock the mysteries it contains and open your understanding to learn from Holy Spirit as you read. You will explore the different genres of Scripture and examine how best to approach them. This lesson will take the intimidation out of studying the Bible so you can encounter its Author and receive His central message.

Preview: Lesson 2

Lesson 3: One Book, One Author, One Message 
Do you want to learn the key that unlocks every truth in the word of God? First and foremost—it’s Jesus! He’s the Word. He’s the Author. He’s the message. Discover how to bridge the gap between intellectual knowledge and revelation knowledge that comes as Jesus writes His word onto your heart, creates hunger for more, and renews your mind to be in harmony with His. The approach outlined in this lesson will revolutionize the way you read the Bible so it’s work is completed in you. 

Preview: Lesson 3

Lesson 4: Living the Word
God’s Word is living, active, and full of power. Transformation comes when you present yourself to the mirror of God’s word and allow God's Word to come out of your mouth. This doesn’t mean simply speaking God’s Word aloud. It’s knowing and believing who you are in Christ Jesus vs. who you used to be in your old man. In this lesson, you will learn to appropriate the power of God’s word, so God’s Word is living in you completing its transforming work.

Preview: Lesson 4

Lesson 1: Build a Solid Foundation
When building a physical house to live in, it is impossible to install critical systems such as plumbing and electrical before pouring the foundation for the building to sit on. This is not only true with construction, but also with your finances. Unless you have a foundation of strong financial principles to build upon in proper sequence, your financial house cannot function properly! In this lesson you will learn what these Biblical financial principles are, and how you can implement them to create a solid foundation to build upon.
Lesson 2: Seek Vision, Not Provision
Do you work in your chosen field because you have a vision you are pursuing, or because you’re pursuing the income that the field brings with it? In this lesson, Craig teaches the principle that is critical to understand when it comes to your finances: provision follows vision, not the other way around! 
Lesson 3: Ten Symptoms of the Spirit of Mammon
How can you tell if you are really pursuing vision or provision? In this session, Craig helps you answer that question by giving ten symptoms that are indicators of the Spirit of Mammon prevailing in your finances. Once you are aware of these symptoms, you will be one step closer to replacing the lies with God’s truth and walking with the peace He wants you to have in your finances.
Lesson 5: Knowing Your Father, Part 1
One common theme that many Christians struggle with is the seeming contradiction between the God of the Old and New Testaments. In contrast to the image of the father running to the prodigal son (New Testament), lurking in the back of your mind is the image of a wrathful, vengeful Father (Old Testament). In this lesson, you will tackle some of the hard questions and common misconceptions about the Father through the lens of the whole counsel of Scripture so you can better understand God’s character and dislodge some of the lies you may believe about Him.
Lesson 6: Knowing Your Father, Part 2
In the previous lesson we examined who the Father is NOT, in this lesson you will begin to affirm the truth of who God IS! What God says about Himself is true. But just as the devil deceived Eve by asking, “Has God really said?”, he often poses this same question to you, casting doubt, and eroding your trust in the Father and His word. In this lesson, you will dig deep into what God says about Himself so you can start living from a place of trust in God’s unfailing love, unchanging character, and faithfulness to His promises. 
man praying in light
Lesson 7: Praying from Who You Are in Christ,
Part 1
How would you like to know that every single prayer you pray is heard in heaven, rubber stamped, and done? That’s what this lesson is about—how to have your prayers answered every single time. What’s the key? Learning to pray from who you are in Christ. God wants you to grow in prayer. In this lesson, you will learn how to shift out of your “old man” thinking and start praying out of the revelation of a renewed mind in Christ.
Lesson 8: Praying from Who You Are in Christ,
Part 2
In this lesson, you will rehearse the practical nuts and bolts of praying from who you are in Christ. You will examine the different types of prayer Jesus used in His earthly ministry and how that applies to your prayer life today. You will study how Jesus ministered healing, deliverance, engaged in spiritual warfare, and approached the Father in fellowship and communion. Jesus’ prayers provide a powerful model for how you can move in His authority and power to destroy the works of the devil and extend the Kingdom on earth.
Lesson 9: Amazing Quiet Times
You can't earn an amazing relationship with the Father; He gave it to you in Christ. That’s what this lesson is all about. If you’ve ever struggled to connect with the Father, you will love this lesson. Jesus communes 24/7 with the Father. You are seated with Jesus, and in Him you have the same level of fellowship with the Father He has. This lesson invites you to go to the next level of relational intimacy with the Father in your personal times with Him.
Lesson 10: Experiencing God in Your Quiet Times
What does it look like when God manifests? The Father brought you into Christ Jesus because He loves you. When you are with Him, He desires to talk to you face to face. Does it mean God is going to just walk into your room? Since God is Spirit, His manifestation may come in different ways than you expect. In this lesson, you will learn how to recognize and receive God’s manifest presence in your quiet times, look beyond what you have experienced in the past, and learn to discern and encounter God however He comes. 
Lesson 11: Love’s Story
How do you define love? In this lesson, you will reexamine Love’s story beginning in the Garden before the Fall. Your eyes will be opened to see the contrast between love as God designed you to experience it and the echo of that perfect love that man has made it. By peeling back the façade of human love, your understanding about the Father and His love for you will be radically changed. Return to your first love as God intended from the beginning.
Lesson 12: Abide in Love, Learn to Love
In this lesson, you will be equipped to start abiding in God’s nature, so love isn’t something you do, but something you are. You will learn what it means to abide in love. You will discover how to discern between your best human effort and loving from the overflow of the Father’s love. As you marinate in God’s endless love, you will emanate that love to others and love’s perfect work will be complete in you.
feather in sand
Lesson 13: Weapons to Tools
Transformation is a process. Your mind is being renewed, your old nature is being exchanged for Christ’s…but that doesn’t mean every thought that comes into your head is full of love and God’s nature. So, when you encounter thoughts from your old nature, you don’t have to embrace those thoughts, feelings, or responses. This lesson will give you tools to reject the old man and embrace the new nature God has given you in practical application. 
Lesson 14: No More Shame
God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. This is love. This is your answer (and the answer for ALL mankind) for casting off shame and embracing the full love of the Father. This lesson will guide you along the path of love from the beginning in the garden to its ultimate fulfillment when Christ bore our shame on the Cross. Perfect love is your end-game—and you will be transformed as you experience the fullness and power of God’s unchanging love.
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How this class Works
This 14-lesson LIVE class officially starts on July 5. However, you will receive access to the first lessons as soon as you sign up. Rick has pre-recorded the lessons, so you can watch the videos and complete the assignments at your convenience. 

Each lesson is about 90 minutes long, with a time of teaching and practical application.
The 14 main lessons:
  • Lesson 1: Jesus, Your Teacher and Transformer
  • ​Lesson 2: Introduction to the Bible
  • ​Lesson 3: One Book, One Author, One Message
  • ​Lesson 4: Living the Word
  • ​Lesson 5: Knowing Your Father, Part 1
  • ​Lesson 6: Knowing Your Father, Part 2
  • ​Lesson 7: Praying from Who You Are in Christ, Part 1
  • Lesson 8: Praying from Who You Are in Christ, Part 2
  • ​Lesson 9: Amazing Quiet Times
  • ​Lesson 10: Experiencing God in Your Quiet Times
  • Lesson 11: ​Love’s Story
  • ​Lesson 12: Abide in Love, Learn to Love
  • ​Lesson 13: Weapons to Tools
  • ​Lesson 14: No More Shame
Each lesson has:
  • An in-depth video teaching
  • ​An MP3 audio recording
  • ​A study guide
  • ​A transcript
Transform Your Life Part 2
4 LIVE Interactive Q&A sessions with small group breakouts:
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 1–2 (Thurs, Jul 14 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 3–6 (Thurs, Jul 28 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–10 (Thurs, Aug 11 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    • ​​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 11–14 (Thurs, Aug 25 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    As you work through the video lessons, you will likely think of questions for Rick. These 4 LIVE sessions provide a great space for you to process with others and hear Rick answer member questions.

    If you miss any of the LIVE sessions, that is okay because we will post the replays on the Teachable member site.

    As a member, you will have LIFETIME access to the private member site with video and audio replays, transcripts, study guides, and relevant bonus resources to reinforce and supplement what you are learning in each session.

    You can easily participate in this training from the comfort of your own home, your office, or wherever you happen to be in the world! All you need is a phone, tablet, or computer with a reasonably fast internet connection.
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    You’ll also receive the following
    BONUS 1:
    73% Cash Savings
    The normal retail price for this 14-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $1,100. However, you receive a $800 savings, making your price only $300.
    Cash Savings
    BONUS 1:
    82% Cash Savings
    (Must sign up by July 9)
    The normal retail price for this 14-Lesson Class with LIVE Q&A and all associated resources is $1100. However, you receive a $900 savings, making your price only $200.
    Cash Savings
    bonus class
    • Lesson 1: The Set Up
    • Section 1: Love’s Transformation
    • ​Lesson 2: Love at Work Within You
    • Lesson 3: The Gospel of Love
    • ​Lesson 4: Love’s Transformation
    • Lesson 5: Learning to Love
    • Lesson 6: Love’s Healing
    • ​Lesson 7: Abiding in Love

    • Section 2: Love’s Application​
    • ​Lesson 8: Love Is…
    • ​Lesson 9: Love Doesn’t…
    • ​Lesson 10: Turning Weapons into Tools
    • ​Lesson 11: Love Is Not…
    • ​Lesson 12: Love Never Fails
    BONUS 2:
    Love’s Transformation
    12-Lesson Audio Teaching Series by Rick Osborne
    (Must sign up by July 5)
    Have you ever noticed that, when it comes to LOVE, the New Testament doesn't have much of a "Well, just try your best, and you'll be okay" tone?

    You're to love those who hate, curse and mistreat you as Jesus did. If not, you don't know God. You're to be so firmly established in love and knowing God's love that you're filled with all of God's fullness.
    In this power-packed 12-Lesson Audio Teaching Series, Rick will showcase what Jesus wants to do in your life. His words are: "I'm going to show you My love."

    Jesus calls us to love God and others perfectly and with our everything. It seems impossible; we try our best but often fall short. Perhaps it's because we don't feel loved, or we don't know how to love, or maybe it's because we feel that pain has shut us down.

    This teaching series will: 
    • Show you how to break out of your shell
    • ​Throw away misconceptions you may have had about love
    • ​Cause you to become powerfully drenched in God's love
    • Help you learn to walk in God's love so others may know you by His love
    BONUS 3:
    At Work Within
    Be Transformed into All God Created You to Be
    PDF book & audio book
    by Rick osborne
    (Must sign up by July 2)
    God saw you and determined to make you into His image and likeness long before you were born. His vision for you and your life is so amazing it’s beyond your imagining.

    What if you could be that person now?

    Well, you can be. God sent His Son to make you a new creation and transform you into His own image. 

    The Bible shows you how and Jesus will personally take you there. 

    If you want more of God and His vision and plan for your life, this book will help step into ALL God has created you to be.
    bonus book
    •  Opening Credits
    • ​​Preface: A Word About Dreams
    • ​Introduction: Getting Started
    • Chapter 1: In His Image
    • ​Chapter 2: His Disciples
    • Chapter 3: Righteousness and Grace
    • Chapter 4: From Faith to Faith
    • ​Chapter 5: All Things New
    • ​Chapter 6: The Renewing of Your Mind
    • ​Chapter 7: Transforming Prayer
    • ​Chapter 8: Conclusion - Making Disciples
    • ​Chapter 9: Closing Credits
    bonus teaching
    BONUS 4:
    Redeemed to Dream Again
    Teaching with rick osborne
    (Must sign up by June 29)
    Are you tired of working harder and harder but never seeing your God-given dreams coming to fruition?

    In this anointed teaching, Rick shares how to get out of the loop and get to the place where Jesus spoke over you, both in the Word and through prophetic Words. The dreams that you have, the dreams that you're thinking of right now that maybe you've seen go south, that haven't happened in your life, there's a way that God's Word shows us how to get there.

    And redemption is key for your dreams to live again!

    In this teaching, you will:
    • Comprehend how Jesus brings you back to His original intent, His Image and Likeness
    • Discover how your life and dreams appear in Jesus
    • Breath life into your dreams from the understanding that your promises are "in Christ."
    • ​Learn how redemption brings you back to God's image so you can walk fully in Christ Jesus
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    Summary OF wHAT yOU gET
    summary of what you get
    14-lesson training ($1,100 value)
    • Lesson 1: Jesus, Your Teacher and Transformer
    • ​Lesson 2: Introduction to the Bible
    • Lesson 3: One Book, One Author, One Message
    • Lesson 4: Living the Word
    • Lesson 5: Knowing Your Father, Part 1
    • Lesson 6: Knowing Your Father, Part 2
    • Lesson 7: Praying from Who You Are in Christ, Part 1
    • Lesson 8: Praying from Who You Are in Christ, Part 2
    • Lesson 9: Amazing Quiet Times
    • Lesson 10: Experiencing God in Your Quiet Times
    • ​Lesson 11: Love’s Story
    • ​Lesson 12: Abide in Love, Learn to Love
    • ​Lesson 13: Weapons to Tools
    • ​Lesson 14: No More Shame
    4 LIVE interactive Q&A Sessions ($400 value)
    • LIVE Q&A for Foundational Lessons & Lessons 1–2 (Thurs, Jul 14 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    • ​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 3–6 (Thurs, Jul 28 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    • LIVE Q&A for Lessons 7–10 (Thurs, Aug 11 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    • ​​​LIVE Q&A for Lessons 11–14 (Thurs, Aug 25 at 4:00 pm Eastern)
    • 73% savings: $300 instead of $1,100
    • 82% savings: $200 instead of $1100 (sign up by July 9)
    • Love’s Transformation – 12-Lesson Audio Teaching Series by Rick Osborne (sign up by July 5)
    • At Work Within: Be Transformed into All God Created You to Be – PDF Book & Audiobook by Rick Osborne (sign up by July 2)
    • Redeemed to Dream Again: Teaching with Rick Osborne (sign up by June 29)
    Additional benefits
    • LIFETIME access to the private member site
    • ​Video replays
    • ​MP3 audio
    • ​Transcripts
    • ​Study guides
    The Empower 2000 Guarantee
    This life-transforming class will empower you with practical steps to abide and be perfected in God's love. You will discover God's original design for creation, mankind, and His presence and live a life hidden with Christ in God!

    If you are not delighted with the training and the results you experience, simply email us within 30 days of when the class starts and we will either reconcile the problem or gladly refund all your money.

    You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Guaranteed!
    Money Back 30-Day Guarantee
    Transform Your Life Part 2
    transform your life part 2
    key foundations for experiencing god and his love
    Priority Order Form
    YES, I desire to experience God and His love!
    And receive all the class bonuses and benefits.
    Prior to enrolling, please review our Class Cancellation Policy.
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    Blessings to abide in Christ and the fullness of God’s love!
    Rick Osborne
    Best-Selling Author and Speaker
    Rick Osborne in a black t-shirt with an earing and glasses
    Rick Osborne is a best-selling author and speaker who focuses on transformation through discipleship in the church and at home. The books Rick has written and co-authored have sold over six million copies in English and have been translated into many different languages. These include Focus on The Family’s Guide to The Spiritual Development of Children, the Experiencing God at Home devotional, and The Five Love Languages for Kids. Rick has co-written books with Dr. John Trent, Josh McDowell, Dr. Tom Blackaby, and Dr. Gary Chapman.

    Rick has published books with most major Christian publishers and worked alongside many large ministries including Focus on the Family, Blackaby Ministries International and Lifeway. He and his team produced a gospel booklet for children called “The Most Important Story Ever Told” that has been translated into 110 languages and dialects. More than 80 million copies of this booklet have been distributed worldwide resulting in millions of decisions for Jesus.
    Transform Your Life Part 2
    Copyright 2022 Empower 2000. All rights reserved.